Dry Lip Care Routine for Cold Weather

December 10, 2018

Yes, I have an entire multi-step dry lip care routine for the winter months. Yes, I’m aware of how high-maintenance that makes me. Let me explain.

I am cursed with dry lips. Even in the most humid, wet, dog days of summer, my lips are still an impenetrable barrier against any moisture. During the cold, winter months, my lips are chapped and crusty, or as I like to call them, Scary Lizard Lips.

Fortunately, over the years, I've perfected my dry lip routine. This routine is super cheap and accessible, and it doesn't use any special lip treatments. (I'm already uncomfortable with how many times I used the word “lips”, so get ready for an assortment of strange descriptors for your mouth area.)

Step 1: Prep those smackers

While I wash my face, I’ll splash some water on my lips as well. Using a finger (toothbrushes and scrubs are too irritating for my lips) I’ll scrub away any dead skin from the surface of my lips.

Hawt™ Tip! I use a mixture of Vaseline and argan oil to scrub away any tough lip stains or liquid lipstick.

Step 2: Moisturize your pout

I literally bought this oil from Trader Joe's. Like, the grocery store. The Trader Joe's beauty selection is kinda amazing?

The next step in my dry lip care routine is moisture. I use the same moisturizer I use on my face to moisturize my lips! I figure that if it’s good enough for the rest of my face, it must be good enough for my skin. During the wintertime, I’ll mix the CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion with a drop of argan oil for extra moisture. The CeraVe PM lotion contains hyaluronic acid, which draws moisture to the skin, and niacinamide, which helps to restore the skin barrier. Argan oil is a great source of Vitamin E, which also helps to restore the chapped skin on your lips.

Step 3: Seal those motherpuckers up!

No ~fancy~ lip care treatments here!

For the last step in my dry lip care routine, I use lip balm as an occlusive layer to seal in the moisture on my lips and to protect them from the harsh winter elements. I normally use a petroleum based product, like plain Aquaphor or Vaseline. I'm also a fan of Smith's Rosebud Salve.
While I have used this method with other lip balms in the past, lip balms can be “addictive” because they can contain ingredients, like camphor or menthol, that irritate the lips and actually make your lips more dry.

While researching for this article, some articles I read stated that skin can also become dependent on petroleum-based products, as well. They recommended trying a lanolin-based product, instead. I’ve heard lots of great things about Lanolips, so that may be what I try next. (Plus, it’s probably better for the environment anyhow.)

Here's an awkwardly-cropped photo to show that this lip routine might actually be witchcraft.

Bonus! Here are some other descriptors for lips that I came up with:
Kissers, yapper flappers, luscious lilies, mouth curtains, the fleshy things around your face orifice

Is there a part of your beauty routine that you spend waaaay too much energy on? Also, does anyone else suffer from Scary Lizard Lips, too? I think we should start up a Scary Lizard Lip Solidarity club.

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